Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Proactive or Procrastination

"Are you proactive or a procrastinator?" thats a question that I got asked. Thinking about it, I realized I am a procrastinator. But it does depend what i'm doing. When it comes to school, I have to admit that I am a procrastinator. Although, when it comes to doing certain arts and crafts, i'm proactive.  Overall though, I would say I am a procrastinator because of a lot of distractions. Usually instead of doing homework, cleaning, or anything else I go on the internet and listen to music or look at some friends pictures.

When it comes to comparing my amount of free time with my productivity, I know that the more free time I have, the less proactive I am. That may sound weird but when I have more free time, I tend to do other things before important things and I end up not even doing the important things. But when I have a limited time to do something, I do my important things first because that is all thats on my mind. It may be a bit confusing but I just tend to take advantage of free time, so having less time is better for me because it keeps me on track.

If I were to change some of my work habits, it would be to spend less time watching tv or on the phone. I would also keep my priority on doing all my homework or cleaning before doing anything else. To do that, I would first of all ask my mom for help. She tends to understand me very well, so I would ask her to remind me to do my homework before any phone time. Then I would organize y planner more because for right now, I am very unorganized which makes me loose a lot of my work. And loosing my work makes me stress, like a lot. But again, it is my fault for not being organized. Hopefully I will become more proactive.

Monday, November 24, 2014

My Visual Poem

My visual poem is about enjoying life. I wanted to tell people to enjoy life and do things that make you happy. For my visuals, I used a lot of pictures but they still show feeling. In most of my pictures you'll see someone laughing or smiling. You can really see that they're enjoying life. 

To make the mood of my poem a little more exciting, I added an effect called Ken Burns. This is a type of panning and zooming effect used on videos. So for most f my pictures I zoomed in on someone laughing or smiling to show that they are enjoying life. I think the ken burns helped show what I was trying to show in my pictures.

I am kind of satisfied with my results. I definitely could have made it better by using more videos and less pictures. It was kind of difficult for me to do this poem though because of how short it is, so the time for videos or pictures was very limited. I think next time I could think out a better way to show happiness and fun instead of all pictures.