Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Proactive or Procrastination

"Are you proactive or a procrastinator?" thats a question that I got asked. Thinking about it, I realized I am a procrastinator. But it does depend what i'm doing. When it comes to school, I have to admit that I am a procrastinator. Although, when it comes to doing certain arts and crafts, i'm proactive.  Overall though, I would say I am a procrastinator because of a lot of distractions. Usually instead of doing homework, cleaning, or anything else I go on the internet and listen to music or look at some friends pictures.

When it comes to comparing my amount of free time with my productivity, I know that the more free time I have, the less proactive I am. That may sound weird but when I have more free time, I tend to do other things before important things and I end up not even doing the important things. But when I have a limited time to do something, I do my important things first because that is all thats on my mind. It may be a bit confusing but I just tend to take advantage of free time, so having less time is better for me because it keeps me on track.

If I were to change some of my work habits, it would be to spend less time watching tv or on the phone. I would also keep my priority on doing all my homework or cleaning before doing anything else. To do that, I would first of all ask my mom for help. She tends to understand me very well, so I would ask her to remind me to do my homework before any phone time. Then I would organize y planner more because for right now, I am very unorganized which makes me loose a lot of my work. And loosing my work makes me stress, like a lot. But again, it is my fault for not being organized. Hopefully I will become more proactive.

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